• Making time for our relationship

    This is a holiday weekend for many folks including myself and my husband since we have Monday off for President’s day. We didn’t plan anything special for this weekend and just did our usual weekend things of a Friday night Target run, Saturday library visit, and outdoor play in the snow. We were lucky to have my parents offer to take our girls for Sunday through Monday so that Ryan and I could get some things done around the house and have some adult time. Having time with your spouse without having to worry about the kids is very important to us because it helps our relationship stay healthy. With…

  • How I entertain my kids when it is snowy and freezing

    Since the majority of my readers at the moment are MN folks (I’m sure I’ll be nationally known soon 😉 ) who are dealing with the same winter I am, I figured I would share a few of my ideas of how I entertain my 4 yr old and 18 month old in this weather because let’s face it, winters are long and cabin fever is running high this time of year. And maybe your kids are like mine where they’ve pulled out every toy they have like they are on a mission to make the largest mess yet still act like they have cabin fever… Here is a list…

  • Work/life balance as a mom

    I know most of my blog thus far has focused on healthy family living through exercise, meal planning, finance and safer products. While these things are a huge passion of mine, it isn’t my day job. My day job is a leader at a marketing analytics firm; totally the opposite of all of those things. I haven’t mentioned it much on here because I don’t think it is that interesting to people because my job itself it isn’t very relatable (however if you want to know more about how to build a statistical model to measure the impact of advertising though, reach out 😉 ). What is more likely to…

  • I’ve been inspired to “Tidy Up”

    How many of us have binge watched ‘Tidying Up’ on Netflix? If you don’t know what I am talking about, it is a new show on Netflix where Marie Kondo helps people tidy up their homes. Her method is to focus on 5 categories (clothes, books, etc.) and to ask yourself if each item brings you joy. If the answer is no, you “thank it” and put it aside to be donated. This show seems to be having an impact on many people. Everyone is tidying up their house using Marie’s steps and donating significantly more things. I’ve seen many pictures of drawers that are full of clothes that are…

  • How I make room for treats when eating healthy

    So I want to be real with everyone here…..I don’t ALWAYS eat healthy. When I am tired (like on Friday nights) or when I am tempted with yummy food (like on Saturday when I was at a party), I have a hard time eating healthy. And you know what?…..I am OK with that. I have found a balance of eating healthy MOST of the time is what works best for losing and maintaining weight (a 90/10 rule). The key there is that I don’t indulge in EVERYTHING anymore. I try to pick and choose what I should spend calories on. For example, I work at an agency where there is…

  • A weekend in my healthy family life

    Each weekend we have a few things we prioritize: spending time with our kids, exercising, grocery shopping and meal prepping for the next week. This weekend was no different except that we had a little family getaway planned as well. Friday nights we usually just relax. This Friday we ate leftovers for dinner and hung out with the girls. After they went to bed we had a bottle of wine and watched a few episodes of Food Network Star (exciting I know). Saturday had a little more going on. Ryan went on a 15 mile run while the girls and I played at home. I also attempted to pack since…