How to stay grounded this fall

women in child's pose on a dock with a lake in the background

There is a cool breeze in the air and the trees are letting their leaves go. Fireplaces are being used again, pumpkin is on the menu and parents are searching if kid’s winter coats still fit. Fall is in full gear! 

In the yogi world: we refer to fall as Vata season.  Vata is one of the three doshas, which are components of ayurvedic medicine. Doshas used to identify individuals based on different physical, emotional and mental aspects of life. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest forms of holistic medicine that is based on the five elements of the earth: space, water, earth, air and fire (I feel like I am quoting from Frozen 2 now, ha!).  The dosha’s are guiding tools for what type of exercises and food your body may respond best to. They also help to identify what your body may need at certain times of the year. This will help you to feel balanced.   

Many people have a high level of Vata during fall, which can cause dry skin, a hectic mind and trouble sleeping.

During fall, many people will have a higher level of Vata. Vata qualities include dryness, cold hands and feet, forgetfulness, hectic mind, digestive issues, and trouble sleeping. I am usually a Pitta – Vata type but right now I have a Vata imbalance due to fall.  See what your main dosha is and if you have a current imbalance, by taking this quiz here

To balance the cool air and space quality of Vata this fall, we can do things to become more grounded to the earth.  Here are ways to stay more grounded during this fall season:

  1. Eat nourishing foods.  The foods that are good for Vata are cooked foods, like soups. Foods that you want to avoid include raw and dry foods – e.g. crackers. When looking for meal ideas during this season, focus on warm nourishing foods like soups and roasted vegetables.  Some of my favorites are traditional kitchari, roasted vegetables salads (like this one) and warm casseroles (like this chicken wild rice casserole).  
  2. Slow moving exercises.  This one is hard for some people, especially if you have a lot of Vata because you may enjoy more invigorating exercises. But that is the opposite of what you want to do during fall to stay grounded. The best exercises to stay grounded are things like slow flow or restorative yoga classes, tai chi, and walking. These help the body to slow down while still getting the blood flowing. 
  3. Stay hydrated. With the airy dry season here, it is important to stay hydrated through drinking enough water but also keeping the skin hydrated. The obvious thing here is to drink more water but during Vata season, warm beverages are best to help keep the body calm and grounded. My favorite beverages are hot water with lemon and herbal teas (I am currently obsessed with Ginger tea).  Water helps to keep the skin hydrated but there are also other things you can do like using nasaya oil and using lotions or other oils on the skin. View some of my favorites: here.

These are the main things I focus on during fall to stay grounded as we move into the holiday season.

With this airy cool hectic fall season, doing things like eating nourishing foods, practicing slow moving exercises and staying hydrated can all help me to stay grounded. Hopefully these are simple changes that you can add to your routines during this fall season to stay grounded.

I would love to hear if you are incorporating these things into your life and have found any success in that? What else do you do to stay grounded during fall?