• Here comes the sun

    It may not feel like it in Minnesota, since our meteorologists are talking snow storm tomorrow, but sun season is upon us. This means sunscreen time! For those of you that live in warm, sunny climates all year round, this isn’t new news (and P.S. I envy you). But if you are like me, and like to torture yourself through a winter so you can really appreciate those summer days, then listen up! PS: if you aren’t going to read any further, just know that Beautycounter has a 15% off sale* that is going on now (April 9, 2019) for a limited time so it is a good time to…

  • So far so good

    I hope everyone is having a good week! I am super pumped because I stuck to my goals for the week and I am feeling great! I’m already seeing some initial results too: I am down 3 lbs this week! (likely just water weight from not eating out or drinking but I’ll take it 🙂 ). Here is my progress against each of my goals I set for myself this week: I’ve been eating 1,500 calories per day focused on veggies & fewer carbs while keeping up my part time vegetarian lifestyle. We’ve made all of the meals that we planned out and stuck to eating those. I’ve gone on…

  • New Year’s resolutions: Am I still on track?

    If you remember way back to my first week of starting my blog, I wrote about my two new year resolutions: Eat vegetarian for 4 lunch and/or dinner meals per week (with the goal of losing leftover baby weight and reducing my environmental impact). Build a consistent daily meditation and yoga practice (for fitness and mindfulness). I also wrote that only 8% of people follow through with their resolutions….well I am one of those 8% for one of them and the 92% for the other one. Can you guess which is which? Update on eating more vegetarian I am still eating about half vegetarian meals. This is now a mainstay…

  • Confessions of my baby weight

    I’ve admitted before that after having my second child, I have been unable to get down to my pre-baby weight. People told me that it is almost impossible to get down to your pre-baby weight after the second child, but I didn’t believe them. I was in the best shape of my life and down to my lowest weight after I had my first child so I figured the same would happen with my second. I guess I forgot that I would have another human to care for that may take a bit more of my time and energy 🙂 So here I am with a 20 month old and…

  • 5 strategies to stay on track when life gets stressful

    I recently shared about how I got so busy, it became rather stressful. When things get stressful, it can be difficult to stay on track with healthy eating and exercise. I’ve now found some good strategies that keep me on track (for the most part) that I wanted to share today as I used several of these recently when I was overloaded. 1.Turn to exercise, not food to reduce stress. If I rewind back to my overweight days, I would have met stress head on with a pint of ice cream and alcohol. I still have my moments, but now I focus on exercising when I need to de-stress. I…

  • Being busy sucks

    So let’s be real here…..being busy sucks. Our society thinks being busy is a badge of honor and it supposedly makes people seem to lead important lives because they have so much to do. It seems that the more busy you are, the more you are admired and thought of as an important person. This seems backwards because being busy actually sucks. It isn’t something we should be proud of and isn’t something we should honor in our society because it leads to people always saying yes to everything, feeling like they need to accomplish everything and do everything which leads to being stressed and burnt out. I know this…

  • Even the best plans need room for adjustment

    We had a great financial plan for the first half of 2019. Or so we thought. After aggressively paying off debt through early March, we finally paid off everything except for our first mortgage! It felt great! Our next step was to put all of our monthly excess cash flow into replenishing our emergency fund which we depleted in order to pay off the debt fast. Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned… The issues arise As anyone who lived through winter in Minnesota this year knows, we had an incredible amount of snow throughout February and early March. Following that we had a bunch of rain in mid March as…

  • What’s for lunch?

    Working in corporate America, it is always interesting to me to see what people eat for lunch. There are the people who always bring their lunch from home and there are the people who go out to lunch every single day. Besides the fact that eating out usually isn’t healthy, it also is a drain on the wallet so it is something I try to avoid. I mostly bring from home now but I didn’t used to be like that. When I first started in the work force, I would go out to lunch most days (and my wallet and wasteline suffered because of it). My favorite lunch places were…

  • Weight loss magic sauce

    Weight loss magic sauce doesn’t exist. When people hear that Ryan and I have lost over 150 lbs between the two of us, people ask how we lost all of our weight and actually keep it off. They are always expecting us to say some crazy diet or workout that we did to lose weight. Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble here but IT DOESN’T EXIST. There is no magic sauce for weight loss. I’ve tried magic sauce, and I’ve seen others try it, and it doesn’t work for long term weight loss. To lose weight and keep it off, you need to do two things: Have a plan Be consistent…

  • Lately Part 2

    I figured I would write another lately post to let you know what’s been going on lately and what I’m liking lately so here it goes…. Lately, we’ve been getting a lot of wine shipments from our travels and wine clubs. Sadly one even got damaged in the shipment since it was so cold but our awesome winery, Girard, is sending us all new bottles even though only two were damaged. Lately, my 19 month old has been talking more and more and it is so awesome to be able to communicate more with her. She will even sing with you, heart melting…. Lately, I’ve been making popcorn from kernels…