• Staying on track during the holidays

    It’s always hard to stay on track during the holidays. During the holiday season, there are parties to attend, happy hours and social gatherings, cookie baking parties and so much more that give constant temptations during the holidays.  If you are like me, you may have a sweet tooth and can’t say no to all of the yummy treats around and you may love socializing so you are happy to attend parties where you usually partake in the drinks (alcohol included of course).   Also if you are like me, you may be trying to build and maintain healthy lifestyle habits.  During the holiday season, I used to put my goals…

  • What I prioritize in wellness

    Wellness can mean so many different things, so you really have to prioritize on what is important to you. Wellness can be anything from eating healthy, exercising, mindfulness, healthy finances, balancing work and life, and so much more. I write about many of these on the blog but I really have to prioritize wellness focus areas. There are two areas that I’ve been focusing on as of late for wellness in my life. These wellness areas are mindfulness and eating healthy. I am still working on the other wellness areas but there aren’t my main focus right now. My first focus area is on eating healthy. If you’ve been following…

  • Changing mindset with Whole 30 rules

    Ryan wanted to start up the Whole 30 again because he wanted to give it another try after our fail two years ago with it.  I am usually always up for diet challenges so I put together a meal plan and went to Costco and bought a ridiculous amount of veggies and meat.  Then I spent hours last Sunday chopping and roasting veggies and prepping food for the week.  We woke up Monday morning and started our day with a huge breakfast of eggs with sautéed veggies, lettuce and tomatoes with balsamic, avocado, bacon and strawberries.  It was a larger breakfast than I would normally consume, which seemed weird to…

  • My Morning Routine

    As we move into fall, schools have started and new routines are forming.  This is the perfect time to introduce a new routine into your life. One of the most talked about routines these days is the morning routine. Some people would say a morning routine can make or break your day. There are articles about how very successful people have “amazing” morning routines that they attribute to helping them be successful. Because of this, I wanted to share my morning routine to give some insight into how I manage the first part of my day. My hope is that this may give you some ideas or inspiration to build…

  • Reflections on my first classes as a yoga teacher

    I started teaching yoga this past summer for the first time and it has already proven to be rewarding. If you remember some of my posts from last spring, I completed my yoga teacher training from Devanadi and was excited to start my teaching journey. Since then, I have taught drop in classes outside at my local community center and I volunteered to teach people going through cancer treatments at a facility by our local hospital. Yoga teaching has proven to give me everything I thought it would and so much more, including some surprises and a downfall I didn’t think of. Let’s start with the positives Being able to…

  • Things I learned this summer

    I didn’t write much in the blog this summer. I had good intentions where I started writing but then never completed anything. Our summer was very full with traveling out of state (work and play), numerous cabin trips, my first go at yoga teaching sessions, a sick dog, and house repairs. I am not writing it as an excuse, as I chose not to do it. Throughout our full summer, I learned a few things that I wanted to share as we transition into fall. It’s ok to say “no.” We were definitely busy this summer but I had the options to do more (like blog writing) but I chose…

  • How I am trying to be more present in life

    You may have noticed that I haven’t posted for a few weeks. And before that, I wasn’t posting as much as I had when I started this blog months ago. I was starting to realize that my life was becoming a bit consumed by the blog since I was posting three times a week. Since I have a full time job, a side gig of safer skincare consultant, and was just finishing up my yoga teacher training program, I decided to give myself a break. I’ve learned many things in my yoga teacher training but one thing for sure is that it is important to be present in the moments…

  • How I failed but am trying again

    You may remember my post from April 1st where I confessed that I still have baby weight to lose, about 5 lbs specifically. I was determined to get down to my pre-second baby weight and fitness level. I wrote about it on the blog to hold myself accountable to my goals. Well, I failed but I am trying again. I started out strong where I was walking more consistently, lifting weights and sticking to my calorie goal. I had even dropped about 3 lbs in that time period! Then it came….the holidays, the birthdays and the travel. All of these things combined made my weight skyrocket up + 5 lbs…

  • How I simplify when traveling for work and play

    I am in the middle of four trips within a two week time period. With so much travel, I really try to simplify meals because it makes everything easier. When I am traveling for enjoyment, I like simple meals because I don’t want to spend vacations in the kitchen. When I am traveling for work, I plan simple meals for my family while I am away. This makes things easier on me for prep and my husband for cooking while I am gone. Here are my trips and meals plans for each: Trip #1: I went to a friend’s cabin in northern MN where we went to Fargo, ND so…

  • Planting a simple garden

    I will be the first to admit, I do not have a green thumb by any means. I’ve been successful at killing many plants because I forget to do things like water them. So why would you even read this post from me then? Well, assuming you may have similar issues, hopefully the things I do can be helpful to planting your own garden, even if it is just a simple potted vegetable garden. As I have switched my eating habits over the past ten years, I’ve had more desire to have a vegetable garden because what’s more local than your own yard? I am to the point where I…